yosef ardhito winatmoko

Yosef Ardhito Winatmoko

Data Analyst

reach out: hello@yosef.id

Current Projects


Data Analyst


  1. [2020] Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Fine-tuning Multilingual BERT Model (colab.research.google.com)
  2. [2020] BiLSTM and Transformer Model for NER (colab.research.google.com)
  3. [2019] PyTorch Ordinal Regression with Spacecutter (kaggle.com)
  4. [2019] PyTorch LSTM End-to-end Walkthrough (kaggle.com)
  5. [2018] Yelp Funny Vote: is it Really Funny? (kaggle.com)
  6. [2018] User-centric Analysis: is Yelp Still Growing? (kaggle.com)


  1. [2023] The Risk and Opportunity of Data Augmentation and Translation for ESG News Impact Identification with Language Models (aclanthology.org)
  2. [2020] Should We Use More Complex Models for Automatic Short-Answer Scoring in Bahasa Indonesia? (aclweb.org)
  3. [2020] Aspect and Opinion Term Extraction for Hotel Reviews using Transfer Learning and Auxiliary Labels (arxiv.org)
  4. [2019] [Competition] Automatic Short Answer Scoring System (simpan.ugm.ac.id)
  5. [2019] Colloquial Indonesian Lexicon (ieee.org)
  6. [2013] Automatic Summarization of Tweets in Providing Indonesian Trending Topic Explanation (researchgate.net)


  1. [2024] Data Engineering Professional (coursera.org)
  2. [2019] Deep Learning Specialization (coursera.org)
  3. [2018] Machine Learning (coursera.org)
  4. [2017] Data Scientist with Python Track (datacamp.com)



  1. [2022] Single Source of Trap (medium.com)
  2. [2022] A Song of Snow and Bricks (medium.com)
  3. [2020] Make Language Processing Natural Again (medium.com)
  4. [2020] Step-by-step NER Model for Bahasa Indonesia with PyTorch and Torchtext (medium.com)
  5. [2020] Love is blind. How about trust? (medium.com)
  6. [2019] The Data Entrepreneurs Story (medium.com)
  7. [2018] Yes, Machines can Comprehend Words (medium.com)
  8. [2018] Tech in Asia Conference Singapore Day 1 and Day 2 (medium.com)
  9. [2017] A Whole Different League Data Analyst (medium.com)
  10. [2016] An Outlier Astronaut Guide to Life on Earth (medium.com)

Bahasa Indonesia

  1. [2021] Demam Panggung Sandiwara (wordpress.com)
  2. [2020] Ikatan Darah (wordpress.com)
  3. [2020] Jangan jadi Data Scientist. Berat. (wordpress.com)
  4. [2020] Mulutmu, Harimaumu. (wordpress.com)
  5. [2020] Asik sih, tapi kalau diulang mau ga? (wordpress.com)
  6. [2020] Situasi Covid per Daerah (tentangdata.com)
  7. [2020] Jati Diri (wordpress.com)
  8. [2020] Kenapa Takut Sekali dengan Bosan? (wordpress.com)
  9. [2020] Gampang Move On (wordpress.com)
  10. [2019] Belajar cerewet (write.as)
  11. [2019] Menyelisik kebijakan privasi di Indonesia (medium.com)
  12. [2019] Berkelana di era konten (medium.com)
  13. [2019] Mungkinkah mesin menguasai kehidupan manusia? (medium.com)
  14. [2018] Memaknai Dua Strategi Bisnis: Murah atau Beda? (medium.com)
  15. [2018] Post-privacy Economy: Jual Diri Secara Tidak Sadar (medium.com)
  16. [2018] Metafora Kehidupan dalam Pendakian Papandayan (wordpress.com)
  17. [2017] Mendaki Prau Bersama si Ganteng dan si Playboy (wordpress.com)
  18. [2017] Tanpa Tujuan (wordpress.com)
  19. [2016] Siem Reap 3D2N: They Want, North! (wordpress.com)
  20. [2016] Mendaki Ijen: Langit pun Keliatan! (wordpress.com)
  21. [2016] 7 Poin Utama The Tipping Point (wordpress.com)
  22. [2015] It is easy to be heavy; hard to be light (wordpress.com)
  23. [2015] They Come When You Least Expect It (wordpress.com)
  24. [2015] Mengurus Visa Schengen di Kedubes Belanda (wordpress.com)
  25. [2015] Tickets to Brownies City (wordpress.com)
  26. [2015] Hujan atau Pelangi (wordpress.com)
  27. [2014] Tebing Sosmed (wordpress.com)
  28. [2014] Bukit Moko: dekat! (wordpress.com)
  29. [2014] Journey to the Strong: yes, I code a game once! (wordpress.com)
  30. [2014] Hati yang Selalu Bahagia (wordpress.com)
  31. [2013] Keliling by Request: keliling Pulau Jawa (wordpress.com)
  32. [2013] Pengen Ga Sih Kaya (wordpress.com)
  33. [2013] Menunda atau Menambah Pekerjaan? (wordpress.com)
  34. [2013] Volume Gelas (wordpress.com)
  35. [2013] Keberanian untuk Berkembang (wordpress.com)
  36. [2013] Sedikit Ruang untuk Kejutan (wordpress.com)
  37. [2013] Tak Ada Puncak yang Cukup Tinggi (wordpress.com)
  38. [2013] Lagu dan Playlist Kehidupan (wordpress.com)
  39. [2013] Lexical, Syntactic, Semantic – sampai mana? (wordpress.com)

2019. Tufte CSS.